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Yeti Out x NE Sense

Who are Yeti OUT.

在伦敦浓厚的音乐氛围中2010年YETI OUT成立,从最初为音乐俱乐部邀请国际艺人,到参与组织策划在加拿大,英国,香港和中国大陆的音乐节和俱乐部演出. 如今YETI OUT通过多年的经验积累已经致力于推动亚洲创意文化发展的多元创意组织,服务内容包括时尚快闪店,音乐人邀请,声音设计及顾问经纪,将品牌与当下前卫新潮青年文化相连接.

Founded in 2010 in London, YETI OUT is a creative collective that shared a heavy appetite for rare dub vinyls and basement parties. Now headquartered in Shanghai via Hong Kong, we focus on pushing the envelope in Asia’s creative circles with music as the foundation while bridging artistry from East & West.

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